18 Nov Pr Eric Allaire at the 49th Veith International Symposium New York
Professor Eric Allaire the 49th VEITH International Symposium in New York.
Professor Eric Allaire is invited to present venous leak surgical treatment at the 2022 VEITH International Symposium in New York.
Now in its 49th year, VEITHsymposium provides vascular surgeons, interventional radiologists, interventional cardiologists and other vascular specialists with a unique and exciting format to learn the most current information about what is new and important in the treatment of vascular disease. The 5-day event features rapid-fire presentations from world renowned vascular specialists with emphasis on the latest advances, changing concepts in diagnosis and management, pressing controversies and new techniques. Frank Veith invited at his Symposium Eric Allaire to speak about his speciality.
Frank J. Veith
Frank J. Veith is an American vascular surgeon. He has known Professor Eric Allaire for many years. They both are Professor of Surgery. Frank is in New York University Medical Center in the Cleveland Clinic. He was the first vascular surgeon in the United States to perform surgery with a minimal invasive technique. Professor Eric Allaire has been the first one in Europe to use the minimal invasive techniques in CHU Henri Mondor in Paris France. Having professionally a lot in common, Frank Veith has invited again at his Symposium Professor Allaire. He will have the honor to present the new and important advances in the treatment of vascular disease such as venous leak.
Professor Eric Allaire is very grateful to Frank J. Veith to have invited him to this international symposium. Speaking of venous leak surgery to spécialists and to all the people will help more and more men to get the chance to be treated.
A big than kyou to specialists as Frank J.Weith, Professor Eric Allaire and many other world renowned vascular specialists. They keep working on important treatments of vascular disease. It is why advances are made in diagnosis and treatments. Frank Veith has invited at his Symposium Eric Allaire to speak about his specific speciality.