10 Mar Cardiovascular damage and male impotence
Cardiovascular disorders and erectile dysfunction
In this video, Professor Eric Allaire explains how cardiovascular damage can affect the quality of erections. Impotence and cardiovascular damage, an association that may surprise. However, cardiovascular risk factors can be accompanied by erectile dysfunction due to the narrowing of the internal caliber of the arteries. Cholesterol deposits act like lime in a pipe. Smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, dyslipidemia are known risk factors. Similarly, proven atheromatous cardiovascular disease, such as ischemic heart disease, arteritis obliterans of the lower limbs, abdominal aortic aneurysm or history of stroke, can affect erections.
Cardiovascular damage and impotence: Take action
These diseases increase the risk of erectile dysfunction. Conversely, erectile dysfunction can be a harbinger of cardiovascular disease. Impotence can appear several years before other symptoms. So impotence and cardiovascular damage can go hand in hand. It is therefore necessary to take erectile dysfunction that sets in very seriously. This is why erectile dysfunction is a “sentinel symptom”. Indeed, erectile dysfunction can predict the occurrence of a severe cardiovascular event (myocardial infarction, stroke). Impotence is then a symptom of the patient’s vascular health condition. This symptom makes it possible to set up appropriate monitoring. A battery of examinations will determine if there is already an attack of the cardiovascular system. In this case a treatment of the responsible disease will be put in place first. This is how the affected patient can be treated early. This move could save his life.
In this video, Professor Eric Allaire sheds light on the question.
Do not wait. If the erection disorder has been present for more than six months, you must consult a specialist because it is a health problem not to be taken lightly.