Signs of erectile dysfunction: Impotence induced by venous leakage

Signs of erectile dysfunction: Impotence induced by venous leakage

Impotence by venous leakage, what is it?

Erectile dysfunction can have various causes. But more particularly, impotence by venous leakage, what is it?

Learn more: Professor Eric Allaire’s Video

Here we will focus on venous leakage. First of all you should know that the erection is caused by an accumulation of blood in the penis. This blood arrives in the penis by the arteries. However, it is necessary that the blood arrives in sufficient quantity and remains long enough in the penis so that the erection is maintained. If the veins work badly, the penis cannot have the necessary hardness for penetrations, as Professor Eric Allaire explains. Because of this, erections cannot last long enough for sexual intercourse to be satisfying. Sometimes no erection is possible.

When there are venous leaks, the blood arrives well in the penis but it leaves too quickly. That’s why it’s called “leakage”. The blood does come to the penis, but it doesn’t stay there. Kind of like trying to inflate a leaky balloon. No matter how much you blow, you will have to repair the leaks first.

Impotence by venous leaks, what is it?

So, impotence by venous leaks, what is it then? Impotence due to venous leaks is a treatable disease. This is why the diagnosis of a disease of the veins is an essential step to cure, particularly when the drugs to promote erection do not provide a satisfactory solution. The examination to be done first is the Doppler ultrasound of the penis. This examination is carried out in specialized centres. In Paris, Professor Allaire works with the CETI team. In this reference center, all practitioners are trained in the treatment of erectile dysfunction. The examinations necessary to identify the causes of erectile dysfunction will be prescribed or carried out on site. An adapted treatment will be proposed for each situation.



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