08 Mar 2 to 4% of young men suffer from impotence due to venous leaks
Male Impotence for young men
Too often, erectile dysfunction in young men is considered psychological in origin. Yet impotence due to venous leaks in young men is a reality. Fortunately things are changing. The physical factors of impotence are being increasingly explored in men of all ages says Professor Eric Allaire. Today there is a panel of very precise examinations capable of determining the organic origin of erectile dysfunction. The first examination is Doppler ultrasound with pharmacological test.
Impotence en venous leak:
Certainly, physical factors are less frequently implicated in young people than in men over fifty. They are no less important. 2-4% of people under 25 cannot have sex due to abnormalities in the draining veins of the penis. These young men suffer from venous leaks preventing an erection. It is a disease diagnosed by specific medical examinations. It is in particular the Doppler ultrasound of the penis with pharmacological test, which will determine very precisely if venous leaks are responsible for impotence. Depending on each case, an appropriate care protocol will be established.
It is only when the cause of impotence is identified by a multidisciplinary team that effective treatment can be put in place. Surgery can cure this disease today.